I know some people may not be interested in this so please feel free to skip this video! At the same time, I hope anyone interested in laser hair removal might find it a bit useful! The clinic I had my treatments at is SK:N One of the biggest things I forgot to mention was the exact feeling of the laser around session 3-4. Its hard to describe but its like a sharp, quick ping of an elastic band with a slight burn lol! It lasts split seconds and remember a little pain, a BIG gain! Cold and I mean COLD air is blasted on your face which takes a lot of the edge off! You may even find it doesn't hurt you quite so much, I have very course hair or I should say HAD! FYI: Top lip is the painful area but only requires about 8 little zaps! I had a course of 6 treatments in total which worked out to roughly £80 a session and I have about 95% reduction so may have another treatment to blast the final 5%. My course of treatments was on offer so cheaper than usual. SK:N run these promotions quite frequently so it's worth waiting for as it reduces the price substantially! I would recommend booking all your treatments in one go as a) it makes each session cheaper and b) going for one session will not reduce the hair but will cost you just under £100! Its a lot of money but worth it when 6 months later you are hair free!!! Woop! Also worth noting, laser does not work on blonde hair as there is no pigmentation for the laser to travel down. Any more questions please post ...

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